Friday, January 8, 2010

Mind over Matter... say whaaaaat?

Soo over Christmas break I decided to do a cleanse... an all liquid diet. I researched a little but didnt find any that I thought were healthy or that I could do... then on Sunday my friend Kenny told me about one he was doing. I totally jumped on that idea because he has done it before and he said great results occur.
What is that?
Basically in a nutshell its 10 days of a liquid drink and lots of water.
Lemon Juice.Organic grade B Maple syrup.Cayenne pepper.LOTS of Water.
I drink that about 6-8 times a day, 8 oz servings each.
Theres also a herbal tea laxative, and a salt water broth to drink up.
This is how I felt on Day 1...EXCITED..this isnt so bad
Day 2... I miss food.. slight breakdown..crying..cravings
Day 3...Debating can I really do this?
Day 4...Not hungry, humbled, GREAT!
Day 5??? We shall see!
Something I have learned over the past 4 days is...
Food is such a blessing. My body really is my temple.I can do ANYTHING I put my mind too.
I dont need food like I thought I did. I live in a country with such abundance. I am blessed.Social events revolve around food.
Honestly, I have no clue. Obviously the Lord has helped me.But if you were to try to go this long without food you would think you couldnt do it..BUT YOU CAN! Some moments in the day I tell myself that its the end of the world and there has been a nuclear blast.."Krystal, this drink you have is the last of the food for civilization be grateful you have it." Other times I say to myself "Krystal, you are in a village in Africa, this is all you have to eat.. enjoy it" Those help! Or I find great distractions like writing a blog. =)
YES!I wouldnt do it if it wasnt. Lemons are high in potassium,calcium,magnesium,zinc,copper,iron,vitamin C..the list goes on and on.Bet you never thought a lemon could pack such great things did ya?Maple syrup (ORGANIC) gives me my fuel.It has all of the nutrients as the lemon and more KAPOW! Cayenne pepper is a stimulant that raises the metabolism,breaks up mucus, cleans the bronchial tubes/lungs/sinuses etc.
Our cells are way polluted.. humans have so many toxins in their bodies and dont even know about it!You might wonder why you feel like crap..cuz you eat it! Yea..sad truth I have learned..BUT WHY do we continue to eat BAD?
Cuz it tastes good. Im speaking for me..
I give into my carnal nature and vices.
But now its time for a renovation!
HeReS a BoOk ThAt Is GrEaT.. "Beyond the Master Cleanse" By:Tom Woloshyn
Im already feeling so much cleaner, lighter,and better!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just love yourself!

Well here I am starting a blog. Never thought I would BUT... glad I am.<3 This is going to be a great tool to update you all.. family, friends, and whoever cares to know my thoughts and details on my mind...
its such craziness that occurs in here. But its needed since I am moving to UT and wont get to see or talk to you all as much... SAD FACE RIGHT NOW... man... bittersweet.

Today was so much fun! I did a photoshoot with my besties.. my right hand gals... Miss
Julie and Miss Rachel. We had so much fun laughing and well, just being our usual goofy selfs. Miss Sharon Rowley was the best photographer a girl could ask for. Shes got mad skills... the pics should be done getting photo shopped in a couple of days.Just a thought about those pics we took today...
SOMETIMES its super hard to not be critical on myself... and to not compare myself to others. Especially when I have such super model best friends. BUT SOMETHING I HAVE LEARNED over the years (and its taken a long time) is...
to just be happy with who I am and what I look like. The worst thing a person can do is compare themselves to others and be envious. What good comes from that? Nothing, just a heart filled with disappointment/ frustration/sorrow. We are who we are.. THERE IS NO ONE on the earth that looks like you, no one that is you.YOU'RE UNIQUE..ONE OF A KIND!Just love yourself! I am grateful to be me. Im also grateful to be alive, healthy, blessed, and to have all that I do. ACCEPTANCE and GRATITUDE are key to a happy life. Or at least one step closer to it.